

    来源: 2019-11-29 16:37 字体大小:


      李耀国,男,1986年11月出生;副教授,博士,博士后,博士生导师。入选《2020年度100名中国博士后科学基金资助者选介》。2015年于中国科学院大学获理学博士学位。教学:获湖南农业大学2019年教师现代教育技术应用能力竞赛一等奖及2019“第一届水产类专业青年教师教学论坛暨教学技能大赛”全国总决赛一等奖等;指导本科生多次获大学生创新创业项目立项并发表论文,研究生多人获国家奖学金等。科研:至今已发表学术论文40余篇,其中SCI论文10余篇(含1区Top论文8篇);授权国家发明专利4项。多次应邀在法国、英国等国内外学术会议作学术交流;担任SCI一区期刊Review editor, 十余家SCI期刊及核心期刊审稿专家、国家自科基金项目评审专家;湖南省水产学会理事、世界水产学会会员及国际斑马鱼学会会员等。



    1) 鱼类抗性分子发掘及育种应用;

    2) 水产经济动物高效生态现代设施化养殖研发。





    1. Yaoguo Li, Tiaoyi Xiao*, Jun Zou*. Fish TNF and TNF receptors, SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences, 2020, 63, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11427-020-1712-4.

    2. Xin Zhao, Tiaoyi Xiao, Shengzhen Jin, Jing'an Wang, Junya Wang, Hong Luo, Rui Li, Tong Sun, Jun Zou, Yaoguo Li*. Characterization and immune function of the interferon-β promoter stimulator-1 in the barbel chub, Squaliobarbus curriculus. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 104, 2020, 103571.

    3. Yaoguo Li, Shengzhen Jin, Xin Zhao, Hong Luo, Rui Li, Dongfang Li, Tiaoyi Xiao*, Sequence and expression analysis of the cytoplasmic pattern recognition receptor melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 from the barbel chub Squaliobarbus curriculus. Fish & shellfish immunology, 2019, 94, 485-496. 

    4. Shengzhen Jin, Xin Zhao, Hongquan Wang, Jiangming Su, Jing'an Wang, Chunhua Ding, Yaoguo Li*, Tiaoyi Xiao*, Molecular characterization and expression of TLR7 and TLR8 in barbel chub (Squaliobarbus curriculus): responses to stimulation of grass carp reovirus and lipopolysaccharide. Fish & shellfish immunology, 2018, 83:292-307. 

    5. Ronghua Wang#, Yaoguo Li#, Zhiyu Zhou, Qiaolin Liu, Lingbing Zeng, Tiaoyi Xiao*, Involvement of interferon regulatory factor 3 from the barbel chub Squaliobarbus curriculus in the immune response against grass carp reovirus. Gene, 2018, 648: 5-11.  

    6. Xin Zhao, Ronghua Wang, Yaoguo Li*, Tiaoyi Xiao*, Molecular cloning and functional characterization of interferon regulatory factor 7 of the barbel chub, Squaliobarbus curriculus. Fish & shellfish immunology, 2017, 69:185-194. 

    7. Yaoguo Li, Maoxian He*, Genetic mapping and QTL analysis of growth-related traits in Pinctada fucata using restriction-site associated DNA sequencing. PloS One, 2014, 9 (11): e111707. 

    8. Yaoguo Li, Yunyan Guan, Qin Li, Mao-xian He*, Analysis of DNA methylation in tissues and development stages of pearl oyster Pinctada fucata. Genes & Genomics, 2015, 37 (3): 263-270. 

    9. 罗红, 李耀国*, 李东放, 邹钧, 肖调义*. 赤眼鳟信号转导与转录激活因子1(ScSTAT1)基因序列结构及免疫功能[J/OL].水产学报:1-14 [2020-11-03].

    10. 李耀国, 肖调义*. 转基因抗病草鱼研究进展. 生物技术通报, 2011 (1): 26-28. 


      近五年主持及参与科研项目11项,其中新增主持国家级、省部级项目6项。具体包括国家自然科学基金面上项目“草鱼LGP2与GCRV核酸的互作机制及效应(32172966)”、国家自然科学基金青年项目“赤眼鳟与草鱼 MDA5 基因结构差异及其功能影响(31802288)”和中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目“赤眼鳟 LGP2对MDA5介导的抗 GCRV 免疫调控作用解析(2018T110833)”等,均围绕鱼类抗病育种开展系统研究。